Pretty fun
With a little work im sure it could be real nice, being coop :P i like coop games but yeah peace :D
Pretty fun
With a little work im sure it could be real nice, being coop :P i like coop games but yeah peace :D
Better then dj hero
This is really fun =] seriously !!yayyyyy
This is hella fun wow =] so glad i found this.
this is so much fun
This is why i LOVE Newgrounds Rhythm, So many possibilities and this is a great game. I love it =]
Pretty Challening =]
Reminds me of good ol stick death Games, like the crackhouse shootout one. Was hard =] Thx for this
I died/cried laughing my stomache hurts...
I am not even joking you i can't even spectate this game its SOOOOOOOO funny. Like im in tears literally haha my stomache huurts haha. I still laugh if i look over at the other screen omg. Thank you so much for bringing this into existence hahaha!!! =]
I am Michael Mirandette , I come to expereince this reality we call earth in doing so i have come to enjoy creating music so i will share it with the world <3. Namaste Fellow Beings of Earth. check my blog out hehe, would love it, http://natureofone.b log
Age 33, Male
Musician , Producer
Joined on 11/10/10